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Foto do escritorby Tati Paes

3 TED Talks Every Expat Should Watch

As we go back into our routines, many of us are determined to pursue the goals we've set for the year ahead. When setting my annual objectives, I use the Roots of Life methodology, with one of its key pillars being GROWTH. 

Consistently, one of my main goals remains fostering continuous learning. For that, I use different learning channels, ranging from books to engaging with various individuals, and from enrolling in online courses to watching TED talks.

In my experience, I find TED talks a great learning tool. You can watch them on the go, they are concise and bring valuable insights. Here are 3 TED talks I recommend for every expat to watch. They are great for everyone, of course, but they hold special relevance for those navigating life abroad:

✔ The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Adichie

This TED Talk encourages you to reflect on how hearing many different stories can create a more complete and inclusive view. It challenges you to question your assumptions about why one story is never the full story. As an expat, be open and listen actively when connecting with others, especially those who come from diverse backgrounds. 

✔ The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown

As an expat, understand that a sense of love and belonging starts with believing in your own worthiness. Consider the impact vulnerability can have on your connections and why it's essential when you seek meaningful relationships in your new homes.

✔ What Makes a Good Life? by Robert Waldinger

This TED Talk invites you to consider the importance of relationships to your happiness. As an expat, it is especially important to invest time and energy in connecting and making good friends in your new city!

The best part? Watching all 3 won’t take more than 60 minutes of your time and you will learn a lot!

Would love to hear any TED talk recommendations you might have!!

Wishing you a smooth transition back into your routine! May your return be filled with productivity, positivity, and growth!

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