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Foto do escritorby Tati Paes

From Loss to Growth: Navigating the Expatriate Transition

Embarking on an expat journey often brings excitement, but it also comes with challenges. Amidst the chaos of preparing for the move, we often overlook the losses that accompany it. While we may anticipate missing our loved ones and familiar routines, we may not fully grasp the depth of these losses until we confront them.

What are the Common Losses Experienced by Expats?

Being far from family and friends: One of the toughest aspects of expat life is being away from our loved ones back home. This can be especially hard for parents who want their children to grow up close to their grandparents and extended family. Missing out on family gatherings and important milestones can leave us feeling homesick and disconnected.

Adjusting to a new way of life: Moving to a new country means saying goodbye to the familiar comforts of home, like our favorite grocery store or coffee shop. Even simple things like our daily commute to work or visiting our regular hairdresser become things of the past.

Feeling left out of important events: Birthdays, weddings, and other special occasions can be bittersweet when we're thousands of miles away. It's tough knowing that we're missing out on these moments with our loved ones, and it can leave us feeling lonely and isolated. I still recall nearly 20 years ago when I couldn't attend my grandparents' 50th-anniversary party in Brazil while waiting for my green card in the United States. My entire family was there, except for me.

Making and losing friends: Forming friendships in a new country is both exciting and challenging. While we meet new people and build close relationships, the nature of expat life means that friends often come and go. Saying goodbye to friends we've grown close to can be heartbreaking and leave us feeling lost and sad.

Navigating changes in our career: Working abroad can bring new opportunities and experiences, but it can also disrupt our career trajectory. We may find ourselves in unfamiliar roles or industries, and it can take time to adjust to a new professional environment. Sometimes we have to adapt to a new career path to fit our new family dynamics and lifestyle.

How can Expats Cope with Losses?

Resilience and self-awareness: Acknowledging that it's natural to experience a sense of loss when transitioning to a new country enables us to process our emotions and adjust to our unfamiliar surroundings. By recognizing that these feelings are an inherent part of expat life, we can develop resilience and adaptability, allowing us to overcome challenges and grow.

Clear goals: Setting goals for our time abroad can give us a sense of purpose and direction, helping us stay focused during challenging times.

Focus on the positive: While the losses of expat life can be difficult to bear, it's important to remember the positives that come with the experience. Building new relationships, experiencing new cultures, and growing personally and professionally are just some of the rewards of living abroad.

By embracing the challenges and opportunities of expat life, we can grow through this journey while reaching balance and fulfillment. Focus on the growth, not on the loss!

Are you an expat or contemplating becoming one?

Reach out to Interoots to explore our programs. Allow us to assist you and your family in navigating successfully your expat adventure with confidence and empowerment, saving you valuable time and energy.

We also collaborate with companies, supporting them in achieving accelerated high-performance outcomes while boosting international assignments ROI.

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