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Foto do escritorby Tati Paes

Learning to Thrive: 5 Expat Wife Lessons for a Successful Journey

Atualizado: 25 de out. de 2023

When faced with an opportunity to become an expat, the decision might look obvious but it not always is. Relocating, especially with your family, is accompanied by many more changes than you can imagine. The experience is most of the time rich and intense, filled with challenges and learnings. In my case, I had always had a corporate career, like my husband, and for the first time, we decided to change our family dynamic as we embarked on the expat journey with our 2 toddlers. Here I share some of the (many) learnings I had!

Lesson 1: The Power of Empathy

A successful expat assignment relies heavily on empathy. Executives face immense pressure, while partners feel all the changes and must provide support to the entire family. The foundation of this successful journey lies in understanding each other's needs, emotions, and the challenges we collectively face.

Lesson 2: Know Your Why

When you move with a partner who is fully engaged in their work, they often transition immediately into the demands and pressures of their new role, sometimes even business trips. As the supporting partner, you may encounter isolation and doubt the decision to relocate. Understanding why you relocated is key to maintaining a positive


Lesson 3: Self-Care is Not Selfish

Self-care is vital. Shifting from a busy corporate life to supporting my family in a new place, I found that taking care of myself was the foundation for caring for others. I had to first take care of myself in order to take care of others. You don’t have to feel guilty for doing what makes you feel good! Meditate, do journaling, get that massage. Dedicate time and care for yourself!

Lesson 4: Purpose Beyond the Everyday

Beyond being a wife and mother, I aimed for a deeper purpose. Daily family duties are crucial, but I wanted to find more significant meaning and impact. This quest led to greater fulfillment and later to start my own business to support families in similar situations.

Lesson 5: Embracing Growth Opportunities

Expat life is filled with exposure to different cultures and perspectives, offering great personal growth opportunities. I embraced this, stepping out of my comfort zone, connecting with people worldwide, and exploring new places. These experiences enriched

my life and self-development.

As someone who has experienced expat life and advises expat partners, I recognize that each of us has unique experiences and insights. What truly matters is cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness to identify your priorities and seeking the resources that empower you to thrive and evolve on your individual expat adventure.

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